Color Tools

Colors on the hat is underrated, you will know if you are a pro designer. The main objective to use these tools is contrast. This is the best way to make your logo or patch pop out from the hat, it represents your brand and this is the reason why your customers are buying your products. Use coolors or colorhunt to find the colors you want, covert into rgb (red, green, blue) and find a similar Pantone code. Pantone color TCX is what we look at because it is specifically for fashion design.


This is one of the most popular color generator used by graphic designers. It is super simple to use because you will get a great color scheme (good contrast) with a click on "Generate". You can also click "Explore" and see what other designers came up with.

You will need a rgb (red, green, blue) coverter for pantone code. Here is one for you, but note that TCX is the acutal color for fashion, our headwear expert can help you with that.


Colorhunt is similar to Coolors. They are the same. Click on the #12345d to copy the code.

You will need a rgb (red, green, blue) coverter for pantone code. Here is one for you, but note that TCX is the actual color for fashion design, our headwear expert can help you with that. Contact us now.



Do You can also go to Pantone directly to get  the color codes you wanted. You can use color name and their specific code.